Note-writing Friendships Last

Are you tired of endless texting and emailing? It's time to rediscover the lost art of handwritten correspondence! Put down your phone and pick up a pen, because it's time to connect with your friends in a more personal, creative, and meaningful way.

Author, educator, and poet Karen Benke has inspired a new movement of handwritten connections. Through fun and inspiring prompts, you can learn to craft short, postcard-sized notes, “just because” cards, and heartfelt letters. With endless possibilities for personalizing your correspondence, you'll be able to connect with your friends in unique and surprising ways.

“Pass That Note” is your guide to deepening your friendships and creating lasting memories. Whether you use the book for letter writing ideas, tearing out pages to send to your friends, or writing in it as a journal to record future correspondence plans, you'll be fostering deeper, more authentic connections. Embrace the joy of handwritten correspondence today and see how it enriches your life!

Note-writing Friendships Last

W.O.R.D. Ink Coaching to the Rescue!


I AM AFFIRMATIONS. Studies show daily affirmations SPARK NEUROPLASTICITY


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