Learn with AI, Lead with Ethics

As AI tools become more common, it's crucial that we all work together to ensure they're used ethically in education. This means using AI to support learning, not cheating. 

Educators, parents, and students can collaborate to establish guidelines for responsible AI use. We should begin by asking ourselves: How can we define and uphold academic integrity in a digital age where AI tools are readily accessible? 

What’s Okay? What’s not? For whom?

For what work? Under what circumstances? 

What work best prepares students for THEIR future?

Where do you draw the line for your students? 

At what point is it student’s work and no longer AI?

Download and explore the sliding scale on your own and with your students to discuss where to draw the line and under what circumstances. Along with promoting a culture of honesty and accountability in your classroom and household, teach your students to disclose AI use, cite sources properly, and embrace the principle that AI enhances learning and fosters intellectual growth, rather than compromising academic integrity. 

Let's all do our part to ensure that AI is used in a way that supports fair and ethical learning. Let's ask ourselves the tough questions and make sure we're using AI in a way that's honest, responsible and promotes real learning and growth.


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