Creativity is a Muscle [part 1]

“I’m not creative,” kids tell me all the time.

“I’m not good at coming up with ideas.”

To which I respond, “That’s jabberwocky! Sure you are!

Everyone is, in one way or another.”

Creativity is a muscle, not a magic act. 

“The more you flex your creativity – or any deep-thinking skill – through strategic problem solving, the stronger and more powerful it becomes.”

How can you help your kids be more effective thinkers
and communicators this year?

How do you help them rise above “fight, flight, or freeze” mode?

How do you save your own sanity in the meantime? 

By recognizing these moments as learning opportunities.

And hiring W.O.R.D. Ink as your clutch literacy skills coach.

When it comes to reading, writing, and studying, it’s normal for students
to feel stuck at times.
Emotional discomforts like confusion, frustration, or overwhelm are signals that they’re ready to Level Up their skillset, and they’re
looking for a hero to guide them.

Help your kids be more effective thinkers and communicators
while saving your own sanity.

This year, hire the ‘write’ coach to flex your students’ creative muscles.


W.O.R.D. Ink Coaching to the Rescue!


Learn with AI, Lead with Ethics


Creativity is a Muscle [part 2]