I AM AFFIRMATIONS. Studies show daily affirmations SPARK NEUROPLASTICITY

Have you heard of the I AM app?

This daily affirmation app is for all ages.

If you're not familiar with affirmations, they are a tool meant to help you access the positive, hopeful, loving part of yourself rather than the negative, cynical, wounded part of yourself. Affirmations are a way to step into your loving self for the entire day, to be able to set your goals and stay in the right mindset. 

I set 5 to 7 affirmations in the I AM app to be sent to me each morning In order to start my day off in the right direction. 

Even as an elementary school teacher, I would have recommended this app to my 5th graders and 6th graders as well as my middle schoolers and high schoolers, my college students and graduate students -- and to all their parents too! I definitely recommend I AM affirmations to all of our beloved teachers who desperately need some tender, loving care In their daily lives; they are the real heroes, truly! 

The I AM affirmations app is for everybody. 

It doesn't really matter who you are or what you do,  I AM Affirmations are the hopeful reminders you need in your daily life. 

“Look out my window forever, but I have to open the door to get anywhere.”


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